
A Thankful Tree

By Macaroni Kid Citrus Heights November 22, 2017

A Thankful Tree for Thanksgiving

This is a super easy project the kids can do for Thanksgiving, and a great tradition to start for the holiday. We started doing this last year, and we are excited to do it again this year. 

We gathered several twigs from the yard and put them in a vase filled with pebbles. Then we took a variety of leaves and traced them on construction paper in fall colors. We cut them out, then kept tracing more until we a a pile of construction paper leaves. We punched a hole in them, and made a loop of twine so they could be hung.

The kids each wrote (or told us, so we could write) what they were thankful for on a few leaves. We hung them on the tree. We added our own. On Thanksgiving, as each guest arrived they were led to the tree and pile of "leaves", and instructed to write what they were thankful for. 

I can't wait to see what everyone writes this year!